Magically take what you've already created and MONETIZE it.
Magically take what you've already created and MONETIZE it.
What Mystic Mic:
Turn Your Words Into about
You're out there speaking, podcasting, promoting your bestseller, gathering an audience and changing lives... but what if you could MONETIZE all that content into a high-end program or course?
A $1000 course can generate a lot of income without much more effort.
Each week Donna Ashton shares tips and strategies to help you monetize, maximize, and leverage your expertise through programs and courses.
She's a published author, speaker, podcast host and business owner with 15 years of experience creating and selling programs.
Have you successfully turned your book, talk, content or
media into a course?
I want to hear your story on my podcast!
Can't see how you would makea program work for your content? I'd love to "hotseat" and coach you through it as a podcast episode.
( Free promotion for your book, why not?!)
Do you feel my approach to monetizing your expertise would resonate with your audience?
Ask me to join you!
I'd love to speak on your podcast, inside your community, in front of your mastermind on topics
around making bigger impact and additional revenue from what you have already created.
Meet Donna
Donna Ashton
Course Sorceress
Donna Ashton, is THE expert on courses and programs. Wielding her magic wand and 15 years of experience with designing and marketing BlockBuster courses and high-end programs, she helps monetize what you've already created in your business through speaking, books, presentations, podcasts into a program that creates additional revenue and legacy.
What type of Course is Best for your Business right now?
Take the simple quiz to determine the perfect course to add to your business.
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